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Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Model and Role "Model" Life

What makes a good model today? What kind of opportunities do they get that make them succeed? By being a model, is it fair to say they can live off of the income that they are currently receiving. These are frequently asked question's by people who are either prospective models and are inspired to become one from seeing other model's become successful. Or there are people who are simply just interested in asking a question that relates to the situation, just because they are curious. Personally, I feel that regardless of the job or career you are in, those questions are simply evolving into bigger and better "meanings." When an average person looks on T.V and says, "I want to be that type of person, when I grow up". Right then and there, they are looking at a "Model" also known as a "Role Model". Now we all know that being a "Model" and being a "Role Model" are two different things! But are they really? I would beg to differ because they both are both selling off their way to become better, inspirational, and leaders. One very inspirational individual that I feel fits the "Role Modeling" aspect of this blog would be Denzel Washington because he has the type of mindset that speaks out without words, meaning that his ability to perform not just in movies, but in colleges and outside of the acting era. He has the determination to never ever neither give in nor give up on something that he knows is right. He mentions that there is an old saying that states, "If you hang around the barbershop long enough you will eventually receive a haircut." This quote has a strong meaning because he did a speech that initialed the meaning of not "Falling Back On Anything, unless It's His Faith," if he was to fall he would want to fall forward, therefore he can see what he is hitting. That statement really spoke out in ways that made me personally feel better and more driven to never give in nor give up, because you never know when your break will come. Another individual that has the sense of achieving and being great would be, David Gandy, a male supermodel that has taken over the industry and has over came stereotypes. He has opened up the doors to those who have always wanted to do male modeling but were scared or intimated. He has completed an obstacle that most males would have struggled with. It is an honor to do have written a blog about theses two outstanding individuals because they have made such an impact in my life. 


1 comment:

  1. Really interesting read Remonde. The way you put it that a role model and a model aren't to far from each other was very well said. The way you explained allowed me to understand your point even more so. I especially liked that you said " he has the type of mindset that speaks out without words", definitely the best description of Denzel's personality by far. Good Job on the blog!!
