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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Artist Management/Manager and how important set up good entities and to not commingle funds,

Let me be honest and tell you that at one time I wanted to become an Artist Manager. It was imperative that I became something that took me out of my comfort zone. I wanted to test the waters, and truly see how my inner abilities to interact with others on a one on one bases. It takes a lot of hard work and true commitment when you have the title and are willing to take the role of building an Artist Management company. I have notice that there are roles and regulations when starting this type of company. One thing that I understand and I feel is very important when becoming an artist manager, you have to be very carful with choosing different types of "entities." A couple months back I ran into a lawyer that told me the importance of having certain different types of "entities." Having a "S.Corp" also known as an "S.Corportation" is much easier to manage. He also mentioned that the average commission base pay for a manager would be 15% to 20%. Most Artist Managers or Artist Management Companies can get funny or sneaky and try to take things off of the artists "net income" instead of there "gross income." One thing that I noticed that Artist Managers or the Artist Management company may do are, commingle funds. Those who do that are inner mixing that personal funds along with there business income. That can draw a lot of negative attention to the IRS and to your personal accountant. It is necessary to be very cautious and protective of what you put in and out when it comes to your income within the business you are running. I personally feel that whoever reads this may already know about the things that I mentioned, but I know there is someone out there that will read this blog and think twice about taking advantage of an artist when it comes to their income, or making sure not to commingle there funds!

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