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Friday, March 1, 2013

Something Little On Ryan Leslie!

Ryan Leslie is the first persona I would think of who would like my idea if i had the pleasure of meeting him. Having the same mindset of a business man is such as himself shows that a person like myself is very determined to make it into the industry. These ideas that I would pitch to him would be on a level that I would hope would benefit me in the future and help me get to where he already is today in the producing and branding aspect of his music. His brand is something that I simply admire. He protects his brand by traveling the world and doing performances outside the USA. In other words his international movement is one that is remarkable I personally feel. Some of the people that he has collaborated with are Fabulous, and Cassie. His recent music has been based off of him trying to get back on his feet since his recent issue with his MAC BOOK laptop. I can appreciate his work ethic as well as his demeanor. However, his work ethic is something that I too plan on having one. I have researched how when he graduated from Harvard University, he would travel to local venus to perform his talents.

As of today Ryan Leslie is on tour. He is touring to Australia, Paris, Germany, Korea, and back to the stated in Las Vegas. His management team I feel is strong and well protecting his outside issues. I believe that his visually aspect on life is well approved through his music.  Here is an interview that Ryan Leslie did that explains his way of recording his new album that came after his court case.

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