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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Season! (NBA) Basketball

Well, as you all may know it is that time of the year! Basketball season is here and under way. With the preseason starting and players making come backs from injuries, there is know telling who will make a major break out. It has been brought to the media attention that Derrick Rose, a point guard that tore his ACL in a playoff game last year in 2012. With all the reticule that negative comments that have been thrown at him, he has been determined to show and prove that he is the elite and next big thing coming. With other teams like the New York Knicks, LA Clippers, Miami Heat, Indiana Pacers and Brooklyn Nets along with the Houston Rockets, these teams are determined to win a championship. With Miami being the top team defending their back to back championship, there are many teams gunning for them to knock them off the leading board. The very one team that feels like they feel will do so, would be the Chicago Bulls. It is a rivalry that will always go down in the books. My personal thought on this years season would be to never sleep on the Oklahoma Thunder, LA Clippers, and Houston Rockets. But the only two teams I feel that have a change on upsetting the Miami Heat will be the New York Knicks or the Chicago Bulls. Below is a small clip that was put together that showed some of the exciting moments in the game of basketball.

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