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Friday, January 18, 2013

Related Artist's and Its Judgmental Views

Music has evolved into a competitive outlook in todays society. I personally have looked into the depth of what the audience has to say about certain individuals who would not try to look like a previous artist but would actually portray the image of one who use to perform. But the question that people like myself what to know is, are they actually trying to by someone that the older generation use to listen to 20 or 30 years ago.

Why does the image of an artist always have to relate back to what a previous artist either looked like or how they moved on the dance floor? Examples of these frequently asked questions for people whom are portrayed to be representing someone who use to perform are, Chris Brown acting as if he was the new and improved Michael  Jackson. Another individual that I personally feel is trying to do this is, Miguel a R&B artist that has recently become very popular. Someone people would say that he is a resemblance of Prince the pop artist who those that may not know sang Purple Rain. Now, someone people may look at this blog and say that I am completely wrong, and that I am not making any sense. But if people look at it, watch how Miguel now wears his hair, and how Chris Brown dances a certain way that would imitate MJ.

People are judging every chance they get. There are is an understanding that the average civilian, citizen or whom ever is quick to judge because they are either wanting to do what someone is already doing, or do it better. I looked up a couple interviews on youtube that explains why people judge artist without even getting to know the background of what they went through to get them to where they are at now. I personally took the time to sit back and ask myself why do I judge the media world. I feel like its based off of having or wanting something that you cannot have. People now days want something that they cannot have.  So they judge of what they see through illustration or video performances or television interviews. Here is an interview by Sammi Lane, an individual who explains why they do. 

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