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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Questions Answered By a Reliable Source

People in todays world are so caught up in making money and being on top. They will do anything in their power to persuade other's into something that they are not comfortable doing, or taking advantage of what they don't know and using that to their advantage. Now in certain situation the opponent that does know enough may have the upper hand. With that all being said, took the time to interview a role model of mine by the name of Vladimir Colon. He was able to take the time to explain to me the different techniques in negotiating, how to separate the problem when negotiating, and then explain to me when is there a mutual benefit between him and his clients. He first stated that it is important that both parties "understand the education of the service or what the deal is." Therefore you can eliminate the "problem" from the beginning of the negotiation. Vladimir was also able to explain to me that there should not ever be a "problem" in a negotiation. He does not believe in having problems during a negotiation because he would not allow it to get that far. However, if there every is a problem between you and your opponent, you asked them politely, what is it that may bet troubling them. Maybe the price is to high, or they feel as if they’re not sure. He said that one technique he uses is, to tell his side of the offer, and then pause. He goes into further detail and says that, by keeping your mouth closed after you give your offer, it gives the other person time to think and ponder on what he or she will do next. If you are quick to react, you may have just lost out on a deal that may have gone your way. The best thing to do is to keep quiet, and then speak when spoken to! Vladimir later goes into greater detail about presentation and how that can play a huge role in a negotiation. He was able to give the example of how if he pulled up in a nice car, and greeted everyone in the building, and they responded in a very upbeat type of mentality, it can for sure go his way during the deal. But then he gave the example of how, if an average guy was to walk in and it's raining out, and he is all wet and looks nerves, that still does not make a difference on how the well the other person is dressed. His opponent may very well know something more than what the guy with the nice car may know. After he was able to explain that to me, he also went into detail about reading body language through the phone. Vladimir took the time to tell me that, he can tell how the person is sitting, breathing, listening, talking, or reacting to his questions. He usually asks a few questions, just to get a better feel of whom he is talking to. Such as, where you from, what are you trying to do with your life, how was your day. Basically trying to lighten up the mode. I clearly took the time to listen to everything he had to say. Reason being, I to will use these techniques to help eliminate any "problems" or issues. The very last thing we discussed during our interview was how do you explain "mutual benefits" between you and your client. He simply said, that in his company its important for him to work more then what he is getting paid for. Building a relationship with your client is more important, because he rather see his clients come out on top, and then look back and feel good about what he accomplished.