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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Inspirational Post

Inspiration is only given through people who have been inspired by other people. In todays society we are blinded by the ignorance of peoples way of viewing things or certain situations. We as humans are hungry for success. Well, some of us take it as if we have no choice but to become successful. I have come to an understanding that, by being inspired to do something you have to have relation to what will make a difference in your life for the future. In todays soceity anyone can say they want to be something or achieve something but its how you go about being that. I personally feel that by having a good work ethic is something that is a strong ingredient when it comes to becoming successful. People can be so talented and so willing to say they will do it, But are you will to die for it. Do you the people feel that you are willing to work harder than you ever worked hard for. I recently watched a youtube video on Will Smith that exceeded that monumental, inspirational, well spoken, and understandable interview. He explains how if you just decide to make a difference, by you just deciding at that particular moment, you have a made a difference in your life or someone else's. I am a true believer in making sure people such as myself, make good quality decisions. But, it all depends on how well you are on moving forward and seeking that success that can make or brake you.

Gary Vaynerchuk , is an individual that has truly helped me realize what passion, what hustling, and what dedication means to someone who is ready for positive results. I payed attention to how he emphasizes the importance of sticking to your goal. His aggression towards caring for others is one I applaud. Reason being I truly see how he can become a great storyteller. His communication skills exceed those who have problems doing so. I feel that if people listen to him, they will have a better understanding on how to go about branding or protecting what is yours and then providing the right solutions and right ingredients to make what you want to happen, succeed! Now, I feel that the only way to go about making sure that you meet certain requirements, is by setting boundaries and have a certain standard. I feel that you have to sometimes create a visual idea, seek it, then attack it and watch what happens once you make those titles real, you will forever feel accomplished, at least thats how I feel when it comes to becoming a successful entrepreneur.